Thursday, August 25, 2016

Greenville.. a new layout is started

I am in two minds about whether to continue updating this blog.. I've kind of taken to the irregular posting of videos on Youtube now. Maybe that's just lazy, it's certainly not exercising one part of the brain, as I find writing more than a couple of sentences these days to be something like hard work and reserved for job applications!

Must do better!!

There has been some activity since my last post in June.. the Freemo rebuild is pretty much complete for now and a few of us had an informal get-together to play trains again.. big Freemo meet is due 24 September.

Big news though.. Brett has been put away and I've made a start on the replacement, using all 13 feet of the wall, plus a 90 degree stretch for a potential 'fiddle'.

It will be American HO again, and using my Yellow Pine Railroad. Primarily switching, although I haven't settled on a plan, I know that I will be resisting the urge to fill the new space with track, and will be keeping it simple and plain.. hopefully focus on the overall scene. I am drawn toward Lance Mindheim's approach in this regard.
It may seem a little 'cart before the horse' but as well as deciding on the space before the trackplan, I have already named this project.. "Greenville"

Anyway.. it feels like a bit of a cheat, but the first two entries in the Greenville Diaries can be seen here..

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